Sunday, August 3, 2008

Let's make a racket!

Hello Cape Creatives!

I've been quiet since I left, but I am so looking forward to coming back in September and to all the cool stuff we'll do that I'd like to share some ideas.

I sent some links for the meeting last week, if you didn't have a chance to look, here is a clearer explanation of what my idea for the biennale is:

Let's make a racket! Let's disrupt the city, shake people out of their comfort zones with art that is participatory, challenging, and friendly!

The way that we get the youth involved is identify sites where lots of young people transit, and stage shows or create installations for the times that they will go past.

We can take our inspiration from artists like: Banksy

These pictures from

Guerilla gardeners:
This is a picture from the blog Laughing squid. The gardeners have taken a parking bay and turned it into a park. People still have to pay the normal parking tariff to use the space, but they get to sit on the grass under a tree!

Guerilla architects:
This is from the blog Aesthetic Grounds. Henk Hofstra somehow managed to pave a road blue as a memorial to the river below it.

Guerilla designers:

I can't insert a picture here, but the link is to a post-it campaign against violence. There are also beautiful design ideas on the site.

And of course, saving the best for last:
Guerilla theatre:

Some ideas for possible installations:

We find a space that is seriously ruined by litter and collect the litter, turning it into beautiful sculptures, right where we pick it up.

We make contact with graffiti artists to facilitate socially conscious, challenging murals (if anyone knows young people who could benefit from some training, this is a superb opportunity).

We stage performances of guerilla theatre in busy spots like Cape Town station.

So let me know what you think guys! And tell me what happened at the last session?

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